Apex legends fortnite clone
Apex legends fortnite clone

Apex Legends offers a familiar mix of SMGs, LMGs, assault rifles, snipers and shotguns, but each model feels chunky, dangerous and individual. Respawn is an expert at “gamefeel”, that elusive, complicated quality that gives a solid, pleasing heft to every action. Unlike Fortnite or PUBG, where you have to keep fiddling with your inventory bag like a fussy tourist, here you sprint about, grabbing stuff, letting the game system work it out. This lack of resistance is repeated throughout the design so, for example, when you’re searching buildings for useful weapons and add-ons, the game tells you what you already have, or if the thing you’re about to fit on your gun is actually better than the thing that’s already there. Getting from one place to another in Apex Legends involves swooping across the sky on rope slides, or skidding down a hill, or vaulting over objects – you feel light and fast and capable. It is not for the faint of heart or slow of trigger-finger.īut what else should we expect from Respawn Entertainment, the Californian development studio founded and staffed by the people who created perhaps the most important online shooter of all time – Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare? That game’s sleek energy, its streamlined systems, its luxuriously oiled mechanics, are all re-employed here to scintillating effect. This is the battle royale genre pitilessly trimmed to its wildest moments, where every encounter is a riot of explosive jump-cut hyper-violence. Within seconds, they’re probably being attacked by another group, and within minutes half the squads will be dead. Players are slotted into squads of three, then ejected onto an alien landscape of hi-tech industrial buildings and dramatic mountain ranges. E verything happens fast in Apex Legends.

Apex legends fortnite clone